Monday, August 25, 2008

Lakes District

We drove to the Lakes District and made good time arriving at 11.30 am. TI were most helpful again in finding us a B&B 10 mins walk from the villages. Bowness one way and Windemere the other. Settled in and then walked to town and of course it rained!! Very busy and buzzing with tourists. Lots of hiking and trekking shops - quite cheap compared to prices back home.

We walked to the lake where there are lot of swans and ducks which are very tame and looking for food from the visitors. We sat down for a rest and a swan waddled up and sat down quite close in front of me. I was getting my camera out of my bag when it poked me on the knee with his beak and peered at me. I didn't have anything to feed him but he let me take his photo anyway.

We had a little book in our room with suggested walks so we decided to do one to a lookout not far from where we were staying. We followed a narrow track along the back of properties, through paddocks, over fences and through 'kissing' gates. Bob was reading the directions aloud all the way. It was very rocky and muddy and quite a climb and I didn't successfully avoid the stinging nettles either. It took about an hour but the view was well worth it, high above the town and overlooking the lakes - very spectacular! We made our way back to the village and discovered another part of the town we had missed earlier then had a very well earned drink at a pub.

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