Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Assisi and Spello

We did a trip to Assisi today, the spiritual capital of Umbria and the birthplace of St Francis. We joined the many tourists and pilgrims crowding in to view the Basilica di San Francesco. We strolled around the winding steep streets and browsed through some of the trinkety souvenir shops selling everything to do with St Francis from statues, teatowels and snow domes.
We then drove on to the very pretty town of Spello. We did lots of walking up narrow steep arched walkways which have a profusion of hanging baskets and flowerpots - which a couple of cats had taken over for an afternoon siesta - to some magnificent views of the Umbrian countryside.
On the way back we stopped at Passignano for a drink and to use the internet at the TI. We had really good pizzas at a restaurant near the lake for dinner.

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